Novos screenshots


Seguindo com as atualizações da página do PascalSCADA, inseri alguns screenshots que estavam a muito tempo aguardando publicação. Estas imagens são de projetos que utilizam o PascalSCADA.

Se você nos enviou alguma destas imagens, muito obrigado!

E se você quer ver o seu projeto publicado aqui, entre em contato.

2 comentários em “Novos screenshots

  1. Mark Chambers Responder

    This is great but as a new-to-SCADA developer, I’d really like some introductory material – a SCADA ‘hello world’ would be great.
    Also, I can’t see the pages behind the Documentation menu. These look like they cover exactly what I’d like to know but I can only read the ‘COMMUNCATIONS PORT’ page, none of the others. Is this my fault or is there an issue with the pages?

  2. Fabio Luis Girardi Autor do postResponder

    Hi Mr. Chambers!

    I’m doing this at the same time that I’m coding the a new PascalSCADA version. Maybe should I remove the links that are not finished yet, to avoid confusions.

    You can use a small, but complete application that are in PascalSCADA examples:

    You can see more examples here:

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