Página em construção.

4 comentários em “Sistema de segurança

  1. David Bilton Responder

    Hi There,

    I notice that a lot of you pages are still under construction on your website and I’m having trouble trying to connect to a PLC using PascalSCADA. I would like some more information about the Tags and their Properties and how they should be correctly used.
    I would also like to know if there is a way of actually knowing if connection has been made with the Modbus server.


  2. Fabio Luis Girardi Autor do postResponder

    Hi Mr. Bilton!

    Sorry by take to much time to respond you. I’m starting up a animal feed plant on last week and it will extend to some days of this week. Soon as possible I’ll post some screenshots of this plant on Screenshots page.

    Please, tell-me a little about your PLC, maybe I can suggest some example.

    About the pages under construction, I had a lot of documentation on a dead wiki, that I removed because I can fight with tons of spam, and I’m spending my time maintaining the current version while I writing a new version.

    Another resource that you can use is the class documentation ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/pascalscada/files/0.7.2/pascalscada_documentation_english_0.7.2.tar.bz2/download ). You can find how setup your tags looking at your respective protocol driver that you are using.

    I hope I have helped.

    The best regards,


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